

💻 Software/DevOps Engineer @ Clustervision
📍Rome, IT → Leiden, NL
🎓 MSc Computer Science & Engineering
🚩 ( sometimes ) CTF player with Hackappatoi

💻 My primary domain is

  • Python, Bash, Golang
  • CI/CD and DevOps
  • Linux, Infrastructures,Docker and Kubernetes Containers, DevOps
  • AI, Machine Learning, Big Data & MLops

💡 but I also like playing around with

  • Cybersecurity, Cryptography and Web3
  • IoT and Embedded Systems ( Esp32, Arduino, RaspberryPi, Smartcards)
CTF Writeups

📚 Reading List

  • 📈 Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt - Michael Lewis
  • 🎲 A Man for all markets - Edward O. Thorp
  • 🧠 The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics - Roger Penrose
  • 🔤 Information Theory - James Gleick
  • 🛸 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Addams
  • 💻  Chip War: The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology Hardcover - Chris Miller