Mine the gap

Mine the gap

Jun 30, 2023
GoogleCTF 2023
Even if I’m not fully into Cybersec anymore I still enjoy testing my skills with CTFs from time to time ( especially along the wonderful Hackappatoi team ) !
This challenge was quite fun and easy, you are given a simple python program that uses pygame to render a huge minesweeper board ( with a couple million cells )
In addition they also tried to force the board in a very peculiar case in which you couldn’t simply solve it greedily because you need some domino effect to clear the doubts about which mines to place
notion image
The two solutions I thought about where:
  • Developing a custom algorithm to solve it, maybe using recursion ?
  • Using a modeling approach to translate the game to a mathematical problem
Fortunately enough I immediately found this wonderful article from Robert Massaioli that teaches you how to translate a minesweeper board to a system of linear equations.
Basically you need to generate an equation for each constraining cell ( the ones with numbers ) and a variable to each closed cell.
Solving the system is then quite straightforward using z3
from tqdm import tqdm from z3 import Int, Solver, ArithRef, sat, simplify import code grid = [] with open('gameboard.txt', 'r') as fin: circuit = fin.read() circuit = circuit.replace(' ', '0') for line in tqdm(circuit.split('\n')): grid_line = [] for cell in line: if cell == 'B': value = -1 elif cell in "012345678": value = int(cell) else: value = None grid_line.append(value) grid.append(grid_line) def get_cell_name(x, y): return f'x_{x}_{y}' def get_cell_value(x, y, grid): return grid[x][y] def get_cell(x, y, grid): return Int(get_cell_name(x, y)), get_cell_value(x, y, grid) def get_neighbours(x, y, grid): neighbours = [] for i in range(-1, 2): for j in range(-1, 2): if (i == 0) and (j == 0): continue if (x+i < 0) or (y+j < 0): continue if (x+i) >= len(grid) or y+j >= len(grid[x+i]): continue neighbours.append((x+i, y+j)) return neighbours # Generate the equation system equations = [] for x in tqdm(range(len(grid))): for y in range(len(grid[x])): cell_name, cell_value = get_cell(x, y, grid) if (cell_value is not None) and (cell_value > 0): neighs_positions = get_neighbours(x, y, grid) neigh_cell_values = [get_cell_value(x_neigh, y_neigh, grid) for x_neigh, y_neigh in neighs_positions] neigh_cell_names = [get_cell_name(x_neigh, y_neigh) for x_neigh, y_neigh in neighs_positions] neigh_valid_cell_names = [Int(name) for value, name in zip(neigh_cell_values, neigh_cell_names) if (value is None)] neigh_valid_cell_values = [-value for value, name in zip(neigh_cell_values, neigh_cell_names) if (value is not None) and (value < 0)] equation = (cell_value == sum(neigh_valid_cell_names + neigh_valid_cell_values)) if not isinstance(equation, bool): for valid_cell_name in neigh_valid_cell_names: equations.append(equation) equations.append(valid_cell_name >= 0) equations.append(valid_cell_name <= 1) # Solve the system try: print(f"Try to solve for {hint}") s = Solver() for equation in tqdm(equations): s.add(equation) for i in range(10): res = s.check() print(f"Result {i}: {res}") model = s.model() print(model) with open(f'model_{i}.txt', 'w') as fout: for line in model: out_line = f'{line} {model[line]}\n' fout.write(out_line) except KeyboardInterrupt: code.interact(local=locals()) except Exception as e: print(e) exit()
This will generate a simple mapping file like this
x_590_211 1 x_211_2894 1 x_550_211 1 x_1242_680 0 x_70_211 1 ....
Now you can use the solution to overwrite the original board, open the game, press m to get the flag and the job is done !